"Navigating New Waters"

Search and Rescue Cutter

Search and Rescue Cutter

I had the honor of being a missionary with CRM (Church Resource Ministries) for a long time working primarily with North American church and denominational leaders from over 50 organizations. Now I work with OMS, (One Mission Society) working with leaders around the world...a great joy! Working with leaders from so many groups, I found that while we have our own distinctives and uniqueness, we all share a universal call to love Jesus wholeheartedly and join Him on His redemptive mission in our world.

Some leaders I met were empire builders...too much about building their own ministry larger...too much all about them. Others were true Kingdom men and women...all about Jesus and willing to work together with humble sacrificial generosity.

I met many leaders who had good hearts and wanted very much to bring Jesus to their world, but things have changed so much in our culture that they struggle to know how to minister effectively now.

I wrote this piece as a CRM missionary for leaders who still want to rise to the primary call to rescue the perishing yet need help to navigate the new waters we live and minister in. May the Lord raise up more and more missional leaders, young and old, who are passionately in love with Jesus and passionate about those Jesus came to save.  To download and read "Navigating New Waters", click Navigating New Waters