Look Ahead…Prepare to Finish Well

Insights from our Fit & Flourish workbook on Christian leadership coaching

“Tim walked with God…

Loved his family…

Led people to God’s best.”


That’s what I’d like on my tombstone.  


Ever wondered how you want people to remember you when you’re gone?


When we look at our lives, we come to some vital realizations…



We can’t change our past…but God can redeem it and we can build on it.

We can’t tell our future…but God holds it in His hands and we can trust Him.

We can only live in the present…and our daily choices largely influence our future…and eternity.


Stephen Covey wrote many things that have stuck with me, including: 

Begin with the end in mind.”

“I am not the product of my circumstances…I am the product of my decisions.”


Another life principle of mine flows from an old quote from C.T. Studd, a spiritual hero of mine. He wrote, 


“Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”



In this chapter of our book Fit & Flourish: Discover How God Created You to Make a Difference, Personal Journal/Group Study Edition, we invite you to look ahead to what you will leave behind when your time on earth is done.  We give you some ways to listen to the Lord and capture what He says so you can live your life toward His destiny for you. We’ll help you process all important questions like: 


1.    What could ‘finishing well’ look like?

2.    What do you want on your tombstone?

3.    What kind of legacy do you want to leave?


We’ll also stop and revel in a Revelation 7 vision of eternity…beyond our comprehension yet possible as we live out God’s fit and flourish invitations!


None of us know how much time we may have left in our lives…but we can live our lives to the fullest as we follow Jesus.  


Begin with the end in mine…choose God’s best daily…live in the light of eternity to glorify him…it’s worth it!



Coach Yourself Forward

1. What does “finishing well” mean to you at this point in your life?  What could it mean to you?

2. When people tell stories about your influence on their lives when you are gone, what do you want them to say?

3. How can you “live with eternity in mind” today?



**If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve been reading in this blog series and want to learn more, buy a copy of the book, Fit & Flourish: Discover How God Created You to Make a Difference, Personal Journal/Group Study Edition through Amazon. If you want to share the book with a small group or group of friends, you can buy a case of ten books on our website. We offer free shipping with each case.

Photo by Matthew Bennett on Unsplash