Fit & Flourish | Equipping Leaders

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What Happens in a Fit & Flourish Ministry Affirmation Process

“It sounds good…but just how does it work?”


Ever said that?  I have.  It’s because I not only want to see the finished product, but also understand the process to get there.  If you’re like me, the process and product go together.  Don’t just focus on your destination, pay attention to the journey


Our Fit & Flourish Ministry Affirmation Process (MAP) is a wonderful process that gives a clarifying and affirming product.  Rather than a “pass/fail” approach, our goal is to help leaders find where they will best “fit and flourish” in ministry.  We want to see the…

right planter or pastor (ministry orientation) 

     in the right place (geographic and cultural match)

          using the right plan (which fits gifts, skills, experience and

past fruitfulness)

with the right people (affinity group) 

                    at the right point in time (sensitive to family


                         with the right partners.”  (who you need on

your team)

“Don’t just focus on your destination, pay attention to the journey.”

That’s the “product”, now here’s the process:

** If married, it is very important that you go through this process as a couple.  If you can’t do it together, then reschedule for another time.

Pray!  Believe the Holy Spirit wants to bring greater clarity of His plans for you


Complete the pre-assessment tools.  The “paper tools” will take about a half day and give you a clearer picture of your “natural wiring” (personality/leadership style), “supernatural empowering” (spiritual gifts, team style), values, life story and ministry vision.  These tools include:

·       DISC or Birkman Profile

·      “Your Leadership Grip” (Spiritual Gifts, Team Styles, Body Building Roles)

·      “Vital Values” Survey

·      “Here’s What I Think of You”—feedback from others.

·      “Personal Timeline” (One-two page on family background, spiritual journey, significant events)

·      “Ideal Ministry Setting” (One-two page on your ministry vision—when, where, with who, etc.)


Go through our “M*A*P” workshop.

Our workshop is a one-day interactive workshop which walks us through five modules:

1.     “Personalizing Your Vision, Values and Mission”

2.     “Portraits of Spiritual Pioneers”

3.     “Patterns of Leadership”

4.     “The Price and Pluses for Your Family”

5.     “Your Place in the Life Span of Your Ministry”

After the workshop, we encourage couples to go on a date to process their insights together.


Finish “painting your picture” with a behavioral interview.  The interview focuses on past behavior and experience, “working backward from your fruit.”  We are looking for “the skills inside your stories.” The interview generally lasts about 3 hours, but the time goes by fast!


Your written ministry profile will summarize your results from your paper tools, family background, personal assets, potential liabilities and ministry recommendations.  Both you and your ministry supervisor will receive copies as a basis for further prayer and dialog.



A few weekends ago I had the honor of leading four couples through our Fit & Flourish MAP process. Three other leaders from their ministry attended the workshop and contributed to the sharing.  As He always does, the Holy Spirit gave us sacred moments of discovery, affirmation and liberation from limiting beliefs.  When we meet the Lord like that in the process, the finished profile can be a map into the fit and flourish future He’s designed for us.




Coach Yourself Forward

1. What kinds of assessments have you experienced so far?  What was the process like?  What finished product did you receive?


2. Who do you know that would benefit from going through a MAP process? Share your interest in helping them fulfill God’s purpose for them. Invite them to consider the MAP process.


3. If you are interested in learning more about our MAP process for you, your team and your ministry, contact us.  We’d love to hear more about your needs and goals and see how we can serve you! 





Photo by N. on Unsplash