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The Power of a Year Verse: When God Gives You a Promise for the Year Ahead

He did it again…for the 42nd time.


For the past 42 years, God has given me a “year verse”…a promise for the coming year.  I learned about trusting God for a year verse as part of a spiritual rhythm of life when I was in college.  It’s been a sacred and priceless part of my spiritual journey ever since.


What is a year verse?

A year verse is a specific promise from the Lord through His Word for the next year of your life.  You don’t find a year verse, it finds you!  Every year, usually late in October, I begin asking the Lord what promise He has for me over the next year.  At a particular point, my year verse “arrives”—it becomes clear and real to me.  Then I wait to see if it sticks to my heart, and as I wait, He strengthens the promise so I know it’s from Him.  It’s always amazing to me when I look back each year how my year verse fit the situations and God-led circumstances I experienced.  Of course, He knew everything ahead of time… because our Savior is timeless…He lives above time, yet is supernaturally timely in all He does!


Why are year verses so powerful?

As I’ve considered why my year verses have been so powerful for me, here’s some observations.  Year verses…

1. Assure me of God’s deep, loving personal interest and care for me step by step, day by day.


2. Anchor me in peace when the storms of life threaten to overwhelm me.  His promises are rock solid and sure!


3. Activate His power as I walk with Him…I can claim His love and power in every setting!


4. Authorize me to use His Kingdom authority…I don’t have to live under my circumstances, I rise above them in His victory and authority!


5. Allow me to pass along His promises to others…we all need His encouragement!


For me, a year verse is part of my commitment to live “promise-to-promise” instead of “problem-to-problem”.    This year, His promise flows from Ephesians 3:14-21, especially verses 20-21: 


“Now unto Him Who is able to do far above all you can ask or even imagine through His power at work in us…to Him be all glory in the church of Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen”


How about you?  How are you approaching the year ahead?  Why not ask God for a promise…and then live every day in the joy, power, abundance, and peace of His love and promises.  There’s nothing better!




Coach Yourself Forward

1. What are some of your “spiritual rhythms”? How do God’s promises fit into them?


2. When you look at your life, how much do you live “promise-to-promise” verses “problem-to-problem”?  Why?


3. Ask God for a promise…then listen and receive what He has for you!