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The Power of a Sacred Assembly

Ever done something that required humility, courage and determination regardless of what others might say?  


You chose to do it because you were responding to a heavenly invitation…in the midst of earthly desperation… counting on the promises of God as your foundation and inspiration.  You chose Jesus above all.


Those are defining moments in our lives.  Making those decisions (or not) reveals our character.  They open doors in the natural and supernatural realms not possible by other means.  They have eternal ramifications.  They determine destiny.


Look back on your life…look at the trajectories of other’s lives…you’ll be able to identify those defining moments.


It’s the same with churches.  There are defining moments in the life of every church.  The decision is not just personal, it’s congregational.  One speaks with everyone…Everyone speak as one. 


Those times as a church are often called a “Sacred Assembly” or “Solemn Assembly”.  They are uncommon and all too rare in churches today.   I’ve led two churches through such a time.  I was part of a church that backed away from choosing to do it.  I’ve been in many churches that needed to do it and didn’t realize it.


After posting about leading a church through a “Sacred Assembly” service, requests began to come asking me to share more about it.  Here are some principles about the meaning and importance of a Sacred Assembly.  They are…


  • Biblical. Both Nehemiah and Ezra recorded times of Sacred Assembly.  Leaders like Daniel and other prophets stood before God on behalf of their people.  The Lord God wove times of coming together to seek Him in special ways into the fabric of the nation’s spiritual rhythms.

  • Situational.  Sacred Assemblies happen when God’s people recognize that they desperately need to meet with God.  They turn to Him as their only hope.  They don’t happen every day, but when they happen, it matters.

  • Intentional. We don’t enter into these times lightly.  The Lord calls to His leaders…the leaders call to the people…all respond together.  Heart preparation is essential…honesty, humility, transparency, dependency all bring us before our Father and each other with a sense of expectancy. We cover everything with intercessory prayer and spiritual authority.  Most who reject the idea of a Sacred Assembly fear being embarrassed or making others upset or they don’t want to acknowledge the consequences of their words and actions.  Pride has to die so God’s church can live.

  • Multi-dimensional.  A Sacred Assembly covers some vital spiritual ground. We crown Jesus Lord of our church. We claim victory and authority over all enemies.  We confess our sins and needs corporately and personally.  We commit ourselves again to the ministry of Jesus.  We celebrate God’s promises and His hope for our future.  We release past sins, pain and failures and our needs to the Lord.  We receive healing, forgiveness, deliverance, provision and sanctifying power from Him.


I’m attaching a “Sacred Assembly Template” to this post that you can adapt for your use.  Let the Lord lead you and your church into and through this experience together.  The Lord will meet you in deep, awe-filled and eternal ways.   


Coach Yourself Forward

 1. Have you ever been part of a Sacred Assembly?  What was it like? What were the results for you personally and for the church?

2. Have you ever seen a church reject their need for a “Sacred Assembly”?  What was it like?  What were the results for you personally and for the church?

3. As the Lord leads you, share and discuss the meaning and importance of a “Sacred Assembly”.  Perhaps you may sense the Lord leading you and your church into such a decision.  Wherever He leads…follow.

Photo by adrianna geo on Unsplash