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The Call of God

At first it was a gentle whisper, inviting me…audible but not quite discernable.  Instinctively I leaned forward, listening intently.  I knew that Voice!  He was saying something new, but not completely clear.


I could sense an unseen hand slowly and steadily beckoning me in a direction I could understand but a destination I couldn’t…at least not yet.  My heart turned to the invitation as if drawn by an invisible magnet.


It was a divine summons to prepare…a call.  There was a sense of destiny in the summons…and something in me began to burn.


He was pointing me toward something that didn’t apply to my current situation, and it seemed to be way beyond me. My heart felt an odd mixture of apprehension and exhilaration.  There was a sense of eager delight about the direction, but uncertainty about the destination…what was He up to?  Did He realize how inadequate I was to follow the call and fulfill the task?


Slowly, I began to see how intent He was in His purposes.  The gentle whisper increased in intensity and clarity.  The fire began to burn more brightly.  Seemingly unconnected circumstances began to fit a cohesive pattern.  “Chance” meetings with certain people began to bear the unmistakable imprint of divine appointments.  Particular books spoke deeply to me, adding fuel to the flame of a sense of destiny.  Life experiences that left me at times heartbroken and at other times bursting with joy came at key times…as if unseen hands were forming my character from a master plan. He was stretching me, sharpening me, impressing on me issues that all centered in my heart.  It was then that I realized His ultimate goal was to make me like Him.  No matter what else the call might mean…it had to flow from a heart He had cleansed and filled…a heart like His.  I yielded completely, lest anything in my life corrupt the call.  He answered my cry for cleansing with grace beyond my greatest heart desires and needs.


As He continued to work on me, the plan was coming into focus…and I was shaken to realize how big His purposes were.  I had thought this was about me…but He had so much more in mind!  It was about multitudes of people influenced for His Kingdom…multitudes living in the valley of decision waiting for someone to lead them to the forgiveness of the Father’s heart purchased with the agony of the blood of His Son.  I couldn’t believe He would allow me to be a part of something so awesome and eternal.  I was humbled again, overwhelmed with inadequacy.  


His response was to remind me again of His overwhelming adequacy and sufficiency.  


As I had many times before, I could only bow before Him in grateful awe, thankful that He had chosen me to be a small part of such a master plan so full of wonder.


Slowly I was able to acknowledge that He had made no mistake in choosing me…but the period of preparation took much longer than I could have imagined.  He was willing to take the time to do the job right even though I questioned His methods more often than I’d want to admit now.


The call now became clear, as if He had written it indelibly on my heart. I was sharing the call with others, and found confirmation from other members of His family.   The fire was burning hot, the urge to step into the fullness of His purposes intense and insistent.  Something inside of me was restless, sensing an impending change.  He had taught me to be grateful and faithful for where I was, but my heart had the uncomfortable, radiant, exhilarating expectancy of someone eight and half months spiritually pregnant.  When would He bring the birth?


It wouldn’t be long now…or so I thought.  I think He just smiled and continued His specially tailored preparation.  I wondered if I would ever be ready.  He was just waiting for a moment in time He’d designed before I was even born.


Finally…on an ordinary day from my perspective and a day of destiny from His…


He opened the door.  


Suddenly everything made supernatural sense. What had started as a gentle whisper of invitation was now a consuming passion.  All the preparation…the tapestry of life experiences He wove so carefully and skillfully together…now I could see it!  There before me was the open door…


He smiled and reached out to me…inviting me to walk with Him into the fullness of the call.  I could see it all now…the invitation…the preparation…this was the culmination.  A sense of destiny was at last becoming reality.


I took His hand…and walked through the door.


--Dr. Tim Roehl


Coach Yourself Forward 

1. What you just read describes what discerning and following God’s call has looked like for me.  What part(s) of my story resonates with yours?


2. What words or word pictures come to mind when you think about how God’s called you?


3.  Who do you know that is struggling to understand God’s calling for them?  Pray for them. Encourage them. Speak blessing to them.  It’s an honor to be a part of God’s calling process!




Photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash