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Seven Ways to Pray for Your Children

The other day as I was holding our youngest grandson (I snuggle with him every chance I get), I was telling him how I'd been praying for him before he was born. I told him how I've prayed for his Mommy and Daddy all their lives and the same for his Aunt and Uncle...even before we knew who our daughters’ husbands would be.

I told Simon I'd be praying for him the same way I do for his cousins. Here are the seven ways I've been praying for my kids and grandkids for 35+ years.

Lord, I pray these things for my kids and grandkids... 

1. Personal relationship with You. May they come to know You as their Savior early in their life and follow You always.  May loving you be as natural as breathing.


2. Protection. Guard them from all harm physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually. Assign extra Guardian Angels for them.


3. Purity. Lead them away from temptation and sin. Give them a heart of holy love for Your righteousness.


4. Power to choose good over evil. Give them wisdom to discern what is right and good. Give them the power to choose Your ways always.


5. Peers. Lord, make them leaders and an influencers of their friends. Don't let them follow the crowd...let them lead others in Your ways.


6. Partner. Lord, already we ask all these things for Your choice for their mates. Prepare them for each other and help them find each other at just the right time.


7. Purpose. Lord, lead them to find Your great purpose and plan for their lives. Lead them to fit and flourish so they live out Your calling in their generation...and prepares the way for the generations to come.


I have faithfully and gladly prayed these prayers for my children...and now have the high honor of praying them for my children's children. Thank You, Lord!


Coach Yourself Forward

1. How has the Lord taught you to pray for those you love most?

2. A Biblical principle that is very important to me is how we influence future generations by how we live…and how we pray.  Think of it…your decisions and prayers will have influence in your family for generations to come!  How does that affect you?

3. Take time now to pray…you can use an outline like mine…or just pray as the Lord leads.  Pray!

Photo by Phillip Goldsberry on Unsplash