Fit & Flourish | Equipping Leaders

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Our American 80-80-80-80-2-1 Reality

Statistics tell a story.

When we look at the statistics about the state of churches in the United States, they actually tell us two stories.

If you care about who’s in church, who’s not in church and who’s open to conversations about Jesus and invitations to church, then listen closely. The stats have stories to tell us.

Thom Rainier has done extensive research and writing in these areas. His books, “The Unchurched Next Door“ and “Surprising Insights from the Previously Unchurched” give us vital information that should both encourage us and create a greater sense of urgency. Here’s an overview of what he found…

In the United States,

80% of people are unchurched…

80% of churches are plateaued or in decline…

80% of unchurched say they are at least somewhat to very interested in spiritual conversations and invitations to church if someone they trust would invite them…

80% of Christians never invite anyone to church…

Only 2% of Christians ever invite unchurched friends to church…

< 1% of all giving goes to for mission ministry to the least reached people in the world.

At first glance, those statistics tell a story of churches that are not inviting and also declining. That’s discouraging.

But…if we take a second glance, there’s another story that emerges…a story that is encouraging.

At first glance, those statistics tell a story of churches that are not inviting and also declining. That’s discouraging.

But…if we take a second glance, there’s another story that emerges…a story that is encouraging.

We’ve heard over and over how people are not interested in church and not receptive to Jesus. It can lead to apathy (“what’s the use”) on our part because of the perceived antagonism (“don’t want to hear it”) from unchurched folks.

The statistics tell a different story! They show that 8 of 10 people are much more interested in the spiritual part of their lives than we think. Yet, only 2 of 100 Christians ever invite anyone to church with them.

Hmmm…they are waiting for us to listen, care, serve and invite them. We hardly ever do.

So, what if…

What if we started by listening to people and hearing their stories first?

What if we didn’t worry about inviting people to church until we’ve invited them to join us in other settings?

What if we expected and prepared for more opportunities to minister in word and deed because we believe that people are interested in what the Lord can do for them?

What if our churches started “doing church” with unchurched people in mind?

Yes, we live in an 80-80-80-80-2-1 country.

I choose to see the receptive 80.

How about you?

Coach Yourself Forward

1. At first glance, how do you feel about the statistics Thom Rainier gave us? Why?

2. When you take a second glance, what encourages you? Why?

3. Whose names come to mind when you consider the 80% in your sphere of relationships who are probably more receptive than you realize? What will you do about it?

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash