Seven Benefits of a Great Ministry Assessment Process

“I didn't feel like I was being interviewed by an expert putting me under a microscope.  

I felt like we were talking to a friend helping us find greater clarity on God’s call for our lives. 

Thanks for the help and encouragement!”


When it comes to the Fit & Flourish Mutual Discernment process, there are some wonderful benefits! Here’s a partial list…


1.   They are a cooperative, mutual discernment process with a qualified assessor, his/her team and people (usually a husband and wife, but sometimes a single person) being assessed.  It treats people like adults, helping them at a key point in their ministry journey.


2.   They help draw a clear “M*A*P” (Ministry Affirmation Profile) of where a leader’s been on their ministry journey so we can get a better sense of where God is leading in the future.  


3.  They help measure competence, focusing on behavior and skills.  They look at "what did you do when" past decisions instead of "what would you do if" possibilities.  


4.  They help clarify God’s call so the couple can find their best ministry fit. An assessment is not a “pass-fail” test, but a "where would you flourish" exercise of discernment.


5.  They assist coaches and supervisors in their ministry as they lead leaders, making their ministries more effective.  


6.  They cultivate a healthy ministry climate in organizations and become a “win/win” gift between sponsoring agencies and leaders!  As such, they are cost-effective when placing people in ministry positions.


7.  They reinforce the truth that God guides in community and unity…“in many counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 11:14, 15:22)


Assessments can be done on many levels of ministry in the local church, district, and denominational ministries, enhancing the fruitfulness of your group all the way from local church leaders to strategic denominational decisions!



Coach Yourself Forward 

1. What benefits of our Fit & Flourish Ministry Affirmation Process (MAP) appealed to you? Why?



2. What other benefits could you add?  Why?



3. Who do you know that would benefit from this kind of process?